Monday, July 18, 2011

Working out- what I am up to

lately it has been way to hot for me to even entertain the idea of climbing. So I haven't. I finally realized I was getting a little lazy so I had to do something to stay in shape. With that said I did 2 things.
Thing #1
I committed to doing the Dogwood Canyon 25k trail run again. That's 15.5 miles up and down Branson hills and through water streams. I cant wait! I even talked one of my long time best friends into doing it with me this year. I have kinda started training but not seriously yet. I did meet with the Springfield Trail Runners group Saturday morning at a local park at 630am for a run. They said they would do a 3 mile loop which considering I haven't been training I thought sounded perfect. It did seem a bit longer but I just figured it was the steep hills messing with my sense of distance in my out of shape body. Turns out I was right they took me for a 5 mile run. Can someone say SORE!
Thing #2
I talked my boss into paying half of my gym membership this allows me the ability to take their kids to play at the pool as well as allows me to attend workout classes or just hop on a treadmill if I need to get a run in. 2 weeks ago I tried out their yoga class for the first time and fell in love. Good workout, nice and relaxing and no hocus pocus weird stuff that I always seem to get in all the yoga videos I have acquired. Today I decided to try a 45 min long strength training class (keep in mind I am still sore from my 5 mile Saturday run. I will tell you the aftermath and that should be sufficient to explain the workout class. Upon leaving the class I had to walk downstairs to the 1st floor to leave the gym. The first floor is tall to accommodate the basketball courts therefore it is a very lengthy set of stairs. Two steps in I almost ended up rolling the rest of the way down because my legs literally gave out, praise God for stair rails! I was afraid to drive the 1/2 mile home due to my jello legs but I did manage to make it safely. I stood at the bottom of the steps looking up towards my apartment and actually started to shed a tear just at the thought of going up them. Several times on my way up my legs began to crumble beneath me and I had to clutch the railing to remain standing. I am afraid of what tomorrow will be like.

So anyway that's what I am up to. Yoga is tomorrow evening so I hope I am not to sore to go!


Banana Nut Bread

I have been experimenting with new recipes and new ingredients lately and have found some delicious treats as a result. I have made a ton of new recipes out of clean eating magazine which I have been very impressed with unfortunately I cant find the charger for my camera battery so you guys don't get pictures. Without pictures I lack motivation to blog and therefore you see why I haven't posted much lately.

I have to share with you this blog I found which I am so thrilled about its called the spunky coconut. I love it because her recipes are dairy free and sugar free which is exactly what I aim for! Her recipes are also gluten free and I don't mind diversifying my diet with some gluten free treats. Here is the first of her recipes I have tried
Banana nut bread packed with protein and oh so good! Even my boyfriend gave it his seal of approval! It calls for a lot of ingredients you may not have, if you live on a tight budget like me then try buying one or 2 ingredients a month until you have them all. I am not sure if my oven doesn't bake well or if there is something about the shape of my bread pan but my breads never seem to get done in the center. Because of this I will be making this into muffins in the future instead of a loaf of bread. That is honestly the only change I would make to this recipe, it is heavenly warm with a little of my dairy free butter :) Enjoy!


Peanut Butter Cookies

I wanted to share with you guys my all time favorite Peanut Butter Cookie recipe. As an added bonus its healthy and sweetened with Maple Syrup but don't be fooled they taste like little morsels from heaven! Here is the recipe
Be sure to get peanut butter without sugar or anything added (read the ingredients) I have a preference for creamy peanut butter over chunky so that's what I always use and they turn out great! I have made them with spelt and with whole wheat pastry flour and they turned out great both times. I think in the future I may try a high quality coconut oil instead of the EVOO.

Hope you guys love them as much as I do! God bless!
