Chocolate crust
1 1/4 almond meal (this is just almonds ground up to a rough powder)
3/4 cup cocoa powder
pinch of sea salt
1/3 cup agave
1/3 cup water
Mix all together and press into a pie plate. I did half this recipe but it made for a pretty thin crust, in the future I think I will keep it this way. Place pie plate in a food dehydrator or oven on lowest possible temp with door cracked until ready to use.
Peanut Butter Pie filling
1 cup creamy no sugar added peanut butter (I would tell you to buy all natural but there are no government regulations on the label all natural, therefore companies can and do put all natural labels on almost everything even if it isn't. Your best bet is to ALWAYS read your ingredient label)
1 cup agave
1 can coconut milk
2 egg whites
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp cream of tartar or 1/2 tsp lemon juice
5 packets of stevia
In a bowl mix egg whites and vanilla on high until the eggs become foamy and then add the cream of tartar or lemon juice (cream of tartar will probably work better, I had to use lemon juice. You have to use one of these to help the eggs keep their fluffiness when you are done beating them so they can fill the void of the cool whip). Beat until soft peaks start to form and add the stevia (you could possibly omit the stevia all together and I think the pie would still be sweet enough. Continue beating until hard peaks form. Place in fridge.
Mix together peanut butter, agave, and the hard part of the coconut milk (when you open the can there are 2 parts a hard part and liquid part, just use the hard part since this is the substitute for the cream cheese.) Once that is well combined fold in the egg white mix until combined and pour into the chocolate crust and throw in the freezer. Lick your peanut butter batter spoon and do not for any reason touch your pie within the next 3 hours. After that enjoy it is rich, decadent, smooth and sweet! My taste buds were totally fooled into thinking I was eating something super bad for me! At first I thought it was just me but then my fiance tried a piece and kept saying "babe this cant be good for you". He still doesn't believe me that it is healthy and that is fine by me. :) Here are some pictures make this you wont regret it I promise and it is loaded with protein and healthy fats for your body as well as sweetener that is low glycemic so it wont cause the spike in your insulin levels that leads to diabetes and other serious health conditions.